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Buying & Selling Property

Whether it is your next home or investment property, our solicitors can provide clear conveyancing advice before, during and after your exchange period to safeguard your legal rights. 



Contact us today to speak with one of our friendly solicitors about your next property purchase or sale, or send us an email to receive a quote within 24 hours.


Real estate transactions are frequently depicted as straightforward processes, but the reality is often far more complex. Opting to handle a conveyance independently can prove to be time-consuming and fraught with risks. Each property transaction is unique, and without the necessary legal expertise, buyers and sellers may find themselves misinformed or facing unforeseen complications.


As property lawyers serving Sydney and across NSW, we understand the intricacies of the local property market and the specific challenges that may arise in this area. From navigating zoning regulations to addressing title issues, our team is equipped to guide you through every step of the conveyancing process with confidence and clarity.


With our professional assistance, you can rest assured that your real estate transaction is in capable hands. Buy or sell property with peace of mind knowing that your interests are well protected. Do not leave your property transaction to chance – trust a dedicated conveyancing lawyer to help you achieve your goals efficiently and effectively.

Property Law

Tenancy Disputes

We understand that tenancy disputes can be unpleasant, especially when it involves your comfortable home. 


At Yorkins Legal, we take the time to understand your circumstances before giving you our advice on your rights. We aim to find the most practical and cost-effective course of action for your disputes. Depending on the nature of the disputes, we can represent you in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to make legally binding decisions between landlords and tenants. 

Property Disputes & Advice

Australian property law disputes can be complicated and can often be tied to other areas of law. 


Our undivided attention to understanding our client's circumstances and ability to provide complete advice on a wide range of issues may be the key to coming out on top in a property dispute. We can advise you on a wide range of property law dispute areas, including:


  • splitting interests in the joint ownership of land.

  • breach of contract of sale and agreements relating to land.

  • enforcing contractual terms in a contract for the sale of a property.

  • disputes involving a caveat on the title.

  • indefeasibility of title.

Independent Legal Advice

When borrowing money or becoming a guarantor, it is not uncommon for the lender to ask you to obtain independent legal advice and hand over your sworn statutory declaration that you have received advice from a lawyer. 


This requirement may happen when:


  • borrowing money for the purchase of a property.

  • a parent is guaranteeing a loan for their child.

  • a director is guaranteeing a loan for their company.

  • a couple borrowing money against their home to fund their business. 

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