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Free 15 Minute Initial Consultation

We are confident that you will be better informed about your rights and the way to proceed with your matter after our consultation.

What to Expect At Your Consultation?

Our complimentary telephone consultation will provide you a one-on-one confidential consult with an experienced legal professional. During this time, we will carefully listen to your concerns to identify the real issues in your matter. We will offer you an opportunity to have your questions answered before advising if and how you should proceed with your matter. 

How to Prepare For Your Consultation?

Here are some of the things you should consider preparing before your consultation to make the most out of your time. 


When taking in new information, we understand it may be difficult to recall your concerns.  We recommend writing down a list of questions before attending your consultation. This way, you can be sure that your questions can be addressed. 


Consider your end goal. What do you hope to achieve from your matter? Thorough consideration of your end goals will allow us to properly advise you on your rights and expectations. 


The more information you provide us the better our professional team will be able to assist with your concerns and questions. Compile all the relevant documents in your matter so that we can be adequately informed during the consult and properly advise you. 

Consultation Booking

Get in touch with us today to arrange a complimentary 15-minute telephone consultation. You can be confident that our consultations are professional, confidential and obligation-free.  

Thank you for contacting Yorkins Legal. Our representative will contact you as soon as possible.

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